Bitumen Emulsion RS1

What is bitumen emulsion?

Bitumen emulsion is a liquid composed of three liquid materials: water, bitumen and an emulsifier. It is used in the course of road works to seal roads and protect them from the elements. There are a variety of different types of bitumen emul
sions which are used in the course of road works and road maintenance. One of the largest defining factors in the different types of bitumen emulsion is the setting time. Longer setting times can cause significant disruption to traffic flow, as roads will be closed for longer. Conversely, bituminous emulsions with shorter setting times allow for minimal disruption following maintenance works.

RS1 (Rapid Setting Emulsion):- his type of bitumen emulsion breaks down rapidly as it comes with contact with aggregate helping in fast setting and rapid curing.

Advantages and Uses of Bitumen Emulsions are:

  • Bitumen emulsion are used extensively in bituminous road construction. Other than this they are used for maintenance and repair work.
  • Emulsions can be used in wet weather even if it is raining.
  • Is ecofriendly as it is water based.
  • Bitumen emulation is also used in soil stabilization in desert areas.
  • It doesn’t need extra heat while placing.
  • There is no wastage in placing and laying of bitumen.
  • They possess anti-stripping properties.
  • Rapid setting type of emulsion are used in surface of roads.
  • Medium setting type of emulsion are used in premixing of bitumen emulsion and coarse aggregate.
  • Slow setting type of emulsion are used with fine aggregates as the surface area is large and requires time for uniform mixing.

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